Skrajos (Fliers), installation, ~400x200 cm.
How Heat Slides Across Surfaces presents Lithuanian artists actively participating in the field of contemporary art: Linas Blažiūnas, Vytenis Burokas, Algirdas Jakas, Agnė Juodvalkytė, Beatričė Mockevičiūtė, Sallamari Rantala, Ieva Rojūtė, Eglė Ruibytė, Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė, Marija Šnipaitė. Through sculpture, painting, textiles and printmaking, these artists explore themes of light, ritual, landscape, collectivity, isolation and social issues. The different lines and volumes of the objects on display subtly remind each other of themselves—as sharp-edged bodies, soluble and temporary forms of each other.
Skrajos (Fliers), installation, ~400x200 cm. How Heat Slides Across Surfaces exhibition view.
Skrajos (Fliers), installation, ~400x200 cm. How Heat Slides Across Surfaces exhibition view.
Skrajos (Fliers), installation, ~400x200 cm. How Heat Slides Across Surfaces exhibition view.
Curator – Milda Dainovskytė.
Architect of the exhibition – Vytautas Gečas.
Organiser: Pamėnkalnio Gallery (Vilnius).
Partners: Westdeutscher Künstlerbund e.V., Hawerkamp 31.
Sponsors: Lithuanian Council for Culture, Vilnius City, Lithuanian Artists’ Association.
Photography: Jaewon Kim.